Chill-Pill UK Chillout Products & Gadgets
A great collection of products to help
you chill out and relax, especially selected for you by Chill-Pill UK!
- Exactly what you need after a stressful day at work or a great birthday/xmas
gift for somone else.
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Namco 5-in-1 Arcade Classics |
"Video games don't affect us, I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids we'd all be running around darkened rooms munching pills and listening to repetitive music".
Back in 1982, if you’d have told a gaming geek that it would one day be possible to shoehorn Pac Man, Galaxian, Dig Dug, Rally-X and Bosconian into a self-contained joystick that simply plugs into the telly, they would’ve split their slacks laughing, before slipping on some legwarmers and heading off to the nearest roller-disco for a few sodastream mixers.
BB Firing R/C Tank |
The Power Tank moves forward, to the left and to the right, reverses, and can even rotate 360°. But of course what you really want to know about is the shooting and the Power Tank doesn't disappoint. It fires 6mm plastic BBs, and you won't believe how quickly. The ‘ping' of the ammo hitting the target seems to come the millisecond you press to fire!
Morph Lamp |
The Morph Light has nothing to do with Tony Hart's little plasticine chum, but like him it bends, curves and changes shape. It's a bit like a modern twist on a lava lamp, and has a similar calming, atmospheric effect. As it wiggles and shimmies like an enthusiastic belly dancer, the tube-shaped Morph Light emits a powerful and ambient electric blue glow.
What makes the Morph Light twist and turn is the set of four curved metal poles that make up the tube. These are covered with a special flexible translucent fabric. When the lamp is powered up, the poles rotate and the fabric clings to them, moving in perfect unison with them. This gives creates the amazing illusion of a solid, glowing object changing shape.
Selector Mug |
Get the drink you want every time. Twist the Selector Mug's metal bands to show your choice.
Who makes the coffee in your office? If it's you, bad luck. But if it's a dozy work experience girl who only seems capable of saying ‘hi, I'm on work experience', the Selector Mug is for you. It'll be hard enough for her to find the kitchen how will she ever remember how many sugars you want? Now she won't have to, because the Selector Mug will tell her.
Star Theatre 2 |
Create a 360° planetarium in your own bedroom with the Star Theatre the interactive space world. Now you can sleep under the stars without freezing to death.
The Star Theatre is an innovative light-up gadget, featuring a clear sphere decorated with images of hundreds of stars and constellations. When the light is turned on, the images are projected onto your ceiling and walls, turning a darkened room into a 360° planetarium.